People of PCHES: Bining Zhao
Bining is a post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering at Penn State University. She earned her bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from North China Electric Power University (NCEPU). After graduating from NCEPU, she attended Ohio State University, where she found her interests in energy system related research. In 2018, She earned her Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Ohio State University. As a Ph.D. student, she worked with Dr. Antonio Conejo and Dr. Ramteen Sioshansi on the research of coordinated operation and extension planning of electric power and natural gas systems.
After graduation, she worked at Lehigh University as a post-doctoral researcher, where she continued her research in coordinated energy systems. In 2020, she joined Penn State University and has been working with Dr. Mort Webster to study stochastic generation expansion planning problems in electricity systems and electricity market reformation.
She plans to continue her research in power system operation and expansion planning with uncertainties, coordination of multi-energy systems, and electricity market in the future. She believes that academic research is a must to find a sustainable energy future.
Besides research, Bining loves playing the piano, reading books, especially history and detective novels, running, and hiking with friends.